Since 1954, the IMA has stood out as a unique and credible association offering resources to spirit-filled ministers.


Our Mission

To empower ministers by offering covering, credentials and conferences. Our strength is built on the relationships of our members, our intentional approach to taking action, and our consistent focus on this mission of empowering ministers in the local church context. Relational - Actional - Missional.

The IMA, with its rich heritage, is well-positioned to take broken people and activate them as Christian leaders around the globe, connecting them with the mentors and resources they need to advance the Lord’s work.”
— Quote from the 2016 IMA National Conference, Little Rock, AR

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Our Humble beginnings

The idea of beginning a ministerial association that would be a fellowship for ministers rather than a denomination or organization, began in the heart of W. E. Kidson.  When sharing the idea with Rev. B. C. Nulisch, Sr., a meeting was scheduled in Dallas, Texas on August 12, 1954 at Faith Pentecostal Church, pastored by Rev. Earnest Shindoll. The church was hosting a tent meeting and "sixteen ministers came to hear the presentation by Rev. Kidson." The result was that they all agreed to begin the International Ministerial Association and Rev. Kidson was elected as chairman pro tem of the association. Rev. Kidson gave the association his newspaper called The Herald of Truth, which lives on as our monthly newsletter to this day.


It's a new day for the IMA! While we recognize the heritage and traditions that have carried the IMA since its inception, there is also the need to look at everything we are doing and evaluate what we will continue to carry forward.

Our VALUES must never change. These are the Biblical Truths upon which our association was founded. This is what we believe. (See our Constitution & Bylaws.)

Our VIRTUES will change over time. These are the things that we hold in personal esteem, but which tend to differ from each generation. This is the perspective from which we evaluate ourselves and others.

Our VENUES must change. These are the expressions of our faith communities, things such as worship styles, our gathering spaces, and the media we use to communicate.

We will accomplish this vision through ministers who operate within local churches, whether at home or abroad on the missions field. With this understanding, we are able to move forward with purpose in our step, striving always to be RELATIONAL - ACTIONAL - MISSIONAL in our pursuit of God's will done God's way here on this earth.

Honoring many great leaders of the IMA at the 2017 National Conference held at Destiny Church, San Antonio, Texas.

Honoring many great leaders of the IMA at the 2017 National Conference held at Destiny Church, San Antonio, Texas.

leadership Structure

National Board
The IMA National Board is elected by the membership of the IMA to serve a three-year term of office. The National Board in turn elects a chairman. Together this board represents the constituency of the IMA, sets policy for the association, provides leadership, and is the decision-making group for the Corporation.

District Boards
District Boards have been established in each district to plan conferences, represent ministers, and conduct business. These boards are accountable to the National Board of the IMA. As a general rule, the IMA Membership is made up of individuals with US Citizenship. Exceptions are few, as the IMA is not a recognized organization outside of the US.

The existing Districts have been organized into four different geographical regions. There is a National Board member assigned to each Region. This person contacts the District Chairmen of each of their Districts and provides support, encouragement, resources, and administrative guidance.

Home Office
The IMA Home Office is operated by the Member Services Coordinator, Jim Warner. Jim is available to answer questions, provide support, or help with concerns related to the IMA.