Member Application Process
Familiarize yourself with the IMA By-Laws/Constitution and Doctrinal Statement to ensure alignment and agreement.
Download the Member Application Packet, complete, and mail with supporting documentation, picture, and payment to IMA Home Office. -OR-
Click the link below to fill out online application.District Chairman reviews the Application for approval
Once approved, membership materials will be sent to the member's mailing address as provided on the application.
Individual Membership
Exhorter - $150 annually
Licensed Minister - $250 annually
Ordained Minister - $275 annually
Active Missionaries - $150 annually
Senior - $150 annually
(Please note: Missionary and Golden Ager (65+) status grants a $150 annual flat rate for membership, independent of Credential Level)
Church Affiliation
Church Renewal Fees are based on average weekly attendance:
Less than 100 people: $175 annually
100-249 people: $250 annually
250-499 people: $300 annually
500-1000 people: $350 annually
1000+ people: $400 annually