It is time. Join the IMA.
It all starts with believers making the commitment to link arms and participate wholeheartedly in advancing God's Kingdom.
In order to maintain the integrity of our application process, a paper copy of the Application Packet must be completed and sent to your District Chairman. The Membership Fee may be submitted via check with the Application Packet, or the payment may be submitted using our Online Payment Form
local Churches
Already a member, or joining your church at the same time as you are becoming a member?
Local Churches led by IMA-member Pastors may apply for their church to become an Affiliate Church - recognized by the IRS under the IMA's 501c3 Group Coverage. The purpose of this coverage is for Federal Tax Exemption only, giving member churches the ability to receive tax-deductible donations.
1. Download the Application Packet, complete, and mail with supporting documentation, picture and payment to your District Chairman.
2. District Chairman reviews the Application Packet, signs, and sends it to the Home Office.
3. Once approved, application will be processed and membership materials will be sent to the member's mailing address as completed on the application.
4. Church applications will not be processed until/unless the lead pastor is an IMA member in good standing (current dues paid).